Illegal callback file and/or function. All filenames and functions must be prepended with 'ajax_' for your security!<:>"; die; } // a short echo function for testing if ((stripos($_POST["handler"],"CSE_ajax.php")!=false) && ($_POST["request"]=="ajax_echo")) { $aswr = "Request recieved on ".date('Y-m-d, H:i:s')."\n"; $aswr.= "Recieved= ".$_POST["params"]."\n"; $aswr.= "For Target=".$_POST["target"]; // format answer: echo $_POST["target"]."<:>".$aswr."<:>append"; } else { // now for the serious work: // include the target file: if ($_POST["handler"]!="CSE_ajax.php") { require_once($_POST["handler"]); } // prepare the parameters: $param_str = urldecode($_POST["params"]); $params = explode("<|>",$param_str); // call function $output = call_user_func($_POST["request"], $params, $_POST["target"]); echo $output; } ?>