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Visitors statistics since 10.06.2024

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Bots visits: 176883 (Hits: 80.4%)Your hits in this session: 1
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Mac / iOS: 7%
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Most used ressources


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: 14


The top 20 requests
25290    Homepage specifically requested in english
25136    Homepage
5752    CSE / CSE / fr
5649    Programming / CSE CMS / Information
3269    Rambles / Politics / Earth temperature
2858    Cavin / Origin of the cavin
2258    Cavin / Origine des cavin
2247    Programming / CSE CMS / CSE Content Management System
2167    Cavin
2131    Arts
2069    Rambles / Politics / Smoking is healthy
2050    Fractals / Mandelbrot Set
2049    Fractals / Viewer 3D
2043    Programming / MatLab / SQL Library
1981    Fractals / A trip in the fractional dimension
1953    Rambles / Politics / Global Warming
1945    Fractals / Fractal Landscape 3D
1927    Fractals / Dynamic clouds
1841    Rambles / Religion / Pascal Wager
1837    Blabla / Liberalisme et ecologie

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