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A trip in the fractional dimension(01-05-2010)
Chaos is a very interesting field of study, as it is at the frontier between natural sciences, mathematics and arts. Indeed chaotic behaviors can appear in many systems relevant to chemistry, be it in computational simulations or in reactions thermal control. But it allows also to generate beautiful pictures of many sorts...

A small introduction on chaos is provided here, wih emphasis on the concept of fractional dimension which is the common factor for most so called "fractal...
Dynamic clouds(04-12-2008)
A pretty cool javascript to draw fractal clouds. Try it on the fly!

A class of fractal, the "folded plan" is used to make clouds. A plan is of dimension 2. When it is folded like aluminium foils, its dimension increase between 2 and 3. Hence such objects are fractals. With adequate coloring, such folded plans can be used to create rather realistic landscapes, for instance by adding a cut-off value for the sea level. Similarly, looking at the plan from above and using the alt...
Fractal Landscape 3D(15-01-2012)
This demo uses the script processing that ports the processing visual language to canvas and html5.
This is a simpler way of generating graphics on the fly, even if programming directly canvas in javascript is possible as shown here or here.

Just playing for now... The fractal landscape generator is not yet implemented...

Fractal Software (04-01-2012)
CSE Fractals III All fractal images on this website have been created with the Malab program CSE Fractals III written by L.Cavin. This program can be downloaded here for free.

This is a program for Matlab - you will require a running Matlab to start this software!

Features and Usage Call fractal_explore...
Lindenmayer systems(05-12-2008)
A cool javascript to let you play with Lindenmayer String Systems...

Lindenmayer Systems Presets: Demo... Koch Island Migrating Island Square Madness
Mandelbrot Set(04-01-2012)
Mandelbrot defined a new mapping of the complex plan (the Mandelbrot Set) by including all complex points that do not diverge to infinity when iteratively squared and added to the initial point: zi+1 = zi2 + z0. The boundary of the surface thus defined has the peculiar property of having a
Viewer 3D(14-01-2012)
This demo uses the script processing that ports the processing visual language to canvas and html5.
This is a simpler way of generating graphics on the fly, even if programming directly canvas in javascript is possible as shown here or here.

Just playing for now... The fractal landscape generator is not yet implemented...

Fractal Art (05-12-2008)
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