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There is no installer. That means you will need to make the installation manually, which requires no technical knowledge whatsoever. A future version may include a short installer, if the demand is high...

Required steps
  1. Check your server configuration - CSE CMS is written in PHP. It should work under versions 4 and higher. The folder strcture requires a web server with mod_rewrite support - the most common is Apache. It will not work if url rewriting is not supported. Ask your host if you are not sure... or do the steps 2 and 3 below and check if it works.
  2. Install CSE CMS - copy the CSE CMS files in your root directory (or the "home" directory for the part of your website that you want to manage with CSE CMS.
  3. .htaccess - change the name of "_htaccess" to ".htaccess" (a dot instead of an underscore) - when you do this, the file becomes invisible! See note (1) below before doing it.
  4. Create the directory structure - the first level is language folders, of 2 characters. Supported languages by default are english "en", french "fr" and german "de". You can add other languages but will have to provide translations in settings.php.
    Inside those folders, create a directory structure a you see fit to organse your information - this will become the menu structure on your website. Create a text file
  5. Test your website - call in a browser your website followed by the language folder, e.g. If you obtain a normal page looking like this one (which will display the content of the "en" folder, so nothing if you did not put anything there), then everything is fine!
  6. Make your website - each webpage is either a folder, or a text document. The title of the page is the folder or file name (extension like .txt is stripped and underscores _ are replaced by spaces). Put your information as text files (or html files saved e.g. by Word) in the correct "chapter" (i.e. folder) and there you go!
Optional steps
  1. change settings - open settings.php in a text editor, and edit the following line:
    • $CSE_SITE_ROOT = ""; - the url of the folder where CSE CMS is installed, if you want to use it in other variable definitions.
    • $CSE_USERLIST = "user_list"; - the file containing the name password and group of registered users, for safety reasons should be modified.
    • Other elements can be modified as desired.
  2. List of users - if you want to define "private folders" accessible only for registered users, create a file with the exact name given in $CSE_USERLIST (don't add an extension if no extension like .txt is specified in $CSE_USERLIST), and add on each line one user: username password group, where group is negative for administrator (all access) and positive for normal users.
In the Instructions chapter, you will find instructions for advanced features.

  1. If you install CSE CMS in a sub directory and not in your main directory, you will need to modify .htaccess: at each line where there is "/CSE_CMS.php?", you will have to modify to "/my/directory/CSE_CMS.php?", where /my/directory is obviously the installation path of CSE CMS. You will also need to modify the line: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1/ [L,R=301] to RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /my/directory/$1/ [L,R=301].
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